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Solidarity Campaign Comedores Populares Argentina 2020

ACAF conveys to its members, friends and contributors the gratitude of those “comedores populares” that have already received the contributions gathered during the first part of this solidarity campaign. The first batch of contributions brought help to 6 “comedores”:

Club Padre Mugica de la Villa 31- CABA

Olla popular de Merlo Norte

Olla popular del MTL de Moreno

Organización “Abriendo La Cancha” - Córdoba Capital

Comedores del MTE de Tandil

Organización Barrial “Túpac Amaru” de Jujuy.

In the web page of ACAF you will find testimonies of the development of the campaing.

The pandemic will change the world… however we do not yet know how!. Clear signs show that the powerful will not abandon the neoliberal crusade and will try to pursue their policies of exclusion and dismissal of the State, leading, as we know, to the concentration of wealth in a few hands. The consequences of these policies have clearly been seen during the coronavirus crisis in the weakness of many governments to deal with it; the pandemic has sharply increased the inequalities produced by financial capitalism. In Argentina, the poorest neighborhoods have most suffered the economic and sanitary consequences of the quarantine.

We wish to stress:

The action of Argentina’s present government that early set in motion the tools required to alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable sectors of the population.

The remarkable level of responsibility of our people, that continued maintaining the confinement against irresponsible and politically motivated incitements by some oponents and mass media to abandon such protective measures.

We welcome the proposals leading to strengthen state intervention and the redistribution of wealth, in order to establish a more just and egalitarian society. It is imperative today to evolve towards a progressive tax system where the wealthier contribute more to the running of society.

An exceptional situation requires extraordinary efforts. Therefore, ACAF decided pursue this campaign. Your contribution, however small, is important:

Firstly, it will allow to continue supporting those most in need.

Secondly, it will strengthen this international solidarity action; from Paris, Madrid, London and Rome our message will reach many, to tell them: you are not alone!, we are with you!; there will be a future for all or there will be no future!.

We invite you to collaborate in this action. More than ever, we must support the extraordinary work done on the spot by the social organizations.

ACAF calls to all its members and friends to contribute to this international solidarity campaign:

By bank transfer to the following account with the mention: ComedoresArgentina2020:

ACAF IBAN: FR76 1261 9000 2142 1589 0101 301 BIC: CGDIFRPP

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